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Hear What I've Got To Say
Friday, June 26, 2009

Even in the midst of this season let's learn to pray all the more. Here are some quotes that will hopefully be as insighful to the meaning of prayer as it has been to me=)

Prayer does not fit us for the greater work, prayer is the greater work. --Oswald Chambers

I have so much to do that I spend several hours in prayer before I am able to do it.—John Wesley

Sometimes the answer to prayer is not that it changes life, but that it changes you. - James Dillet Freeman

So let's keep pressing on in prayer especially so in this season, and let it not be just words that we utter each day, but let prayer be an attitude that transforms our lives inside out=)

in His love and mine,
We're shining for Jesus at
9:51 PM!

Perhaps Life is learning how to die

Most of our lives we spend trying to get and accumulate knowledge and experiences, and trying to understand ourselves to a greater degree, and we think that's what life is, right? Maybe life is learning how to die, learning how to give yourself away... To forget the fact that Christ Himself was first brutally murdered, and betrayed, and beaten beyond all recognition is to forget the most important part of the story.

Here's a song by Jon Foreman, the lead singer of Switchfoot titled Learning how to Die. Let's learn to give ourselves away =)

in His love and mine,
We're shining for Jesus at
9:08 PM!

Friday, June 19, 2009
The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
hahah umm okay i'll post something to keep the ball rolling, and to be the first one to get martyred. hahah. okay but i'm gonna post something not really about me. umm probably a different perspective lahs. hahah

hahah i just kinda came back from a mission trip, well which i went the day right after leaders camp. talk about getting properly rested. hahah. well personally ive been to quite a few mission trips already so this wasnt really an eye-opener (also can be sounded as I-opener, as a mission trip really does open up yourself too). aniwaes i went to malaysia, pahang to the orang asli. the orang asli here were slightly richer than the previous ones i went last time, considering their wooden houses seemed bit nicer and at least had more wood. well i went there to mainly start off the whole riverlife healthcare provision for the orang asli in that area, which will actually stretch over a long term period. (!!! attention!! aniwaes our church has mission trips every 2nd weekend of the month to the orang asli in pahang for this healthcare thing, which actually you can go on sat and come back by sun, so if you really wanna contribute but dont really have the time, this will be great :) )

well apparantly there's a pastor taking care of this whole area and his name is pastor eduard. turns out he's actually from indonesia, GPDI church, a missionary. its not really all easy to be a missionary here, well for starters we sort of helped to build his house from wooden planks, though we were more like wide-eyed singaporeans helping by looking while the pastor and a few of his helpers were like building most of it. i had the pride of helping by nailing 1 nail and passing the saw or hammer a few times, and helping to support the initial fragile structure of the foundations using my weight. hahah. well can you imagine actually living among the orang asli, living in a wooden planked house built yourself, drawing water from who knows where to drink bathe wash etc. and above it all, he's all smiles, saying God gives him strength. well that to me is revolutionary. its like living the outfield life, times who know how long.

well for most of us, we're not called to be a missionary, but we're called to support this whole mission work that God is doing. so lets be revolutionary in the areas God has called us to be, and lets also support the other revolutionist through our prayers.

well i also realised again how much the people need someone to tell of about Jesus Christ, so many unsaved people, so few workers. 1 pastor eduard is enough. maybe 1.5 will be good. ok no .5 means half dead. oh that sounds pessimistic, k .5 means half alive. hahah whatever, the point is that for so many orang asli, 1 pastor eduard is definitely not enough. theres so many empty hungry hearts, so few workers. well not just to the orang asli i suppose, but practically everywhere in the world.

Luke 10:2 - He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

the problem's not with the harvest, in fact the harvest is waiting, dying for us to go in and take it all. the problem is with the workers, to plough the land, sow the seeds, reap the harvest. there's so much to take, but as the word says, the workers are few. lets be the workers, and ask the Lord to move his workers too :)

oh i realised i didnt put my name.
my name's daniel.
and if you're hearing this, you are part of the resistance revolution.
We're shining for Jesus at
12:39 AM!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Revolutionary Road
Hello mighty revolutionaries! It's been 7 days since we marched forth beyond the 314km mark of our revolutionary road, how has the journey been thus far! Are you still brimming full with energy, determination and boldness in purposefully striding onwards in this long road that lies ahead? Or has the weariness and distractions of travelling this path gradually crept into your lives over this past week?

Fret not! Instead, let us take take heart and encouragement from one another as we stride forth on this path, as we learn to be men and women of God fuelled by dauntless faith, unafraid in serving God and wholehearted in loving people! This blog has been set up for this very purpose, for YOU leaders to share your experiences and thoughts from leaders' retreat. Even as we have returned to our daily lives, let us not forget what transpired at our retreat last week. As we reflect upon our experiences and share them openly, we encourage the hearts of one another and build faith, equipping us to grow together as one.

So start stretching your fingers and typing away at your keyboard! Let's hear your hearts, your journeys, and your affirmations for one another as we start a revolution today!

In His love and mine,
Daryl =)
We're shining for Jesus at
5:34 PM!

Revolutionary Road

Therevroad is a place for megalifers to come together to share their stories,experiences and journeys with one another, as we live our lives in a community to support, affirm and build up our fellow brothers and sisters. It can range from what we learnt and received at leaders retreat to what is stirring up in our cells and schools, to dreams which God has placed in our hearts. Arising out of our Megalife Leaders' Retreat 2009: Revolutionary Road, let us not forget our commitment to be revolutionary in this path which we tread. Though the road may be long and the journey tiring, we can rest assured in the support and strength we can draw on from our fellow community of Megalifers =) So let's start sharing, encouraging and inspiring one another here today!

Web Page Hit Counter

Let's Talk

Daryl Poon
Christabel Lau
Crystal Goh
Amanda Lim
Isabel Phua
Shawn Tan
Vera Tan
Ang Hui Ying
Zachary Tang
Ye Jing En
Megalife Celebration Team
Sean Kong
Dory Khoo
Cavell Lim
Melanie Lim
Joshua Sho
Gabriel Lim
Ryan Chew
Caroline Choong
Jae Lee
Charmaine Choo
Carissa Toh


June 2009

Images: PJ, Amanda Teo & Samuel Yuan